Republican Party Needs to Close for New Repairs

Former Republican presidential candidate Robert Dole does not have many kind words to say about his party today.

Dole ran in 1996 against President Bill Clinton and was the Republican Senate leader for the better part of the 1980s and 1990s.

He appeared on television Sunday and slammed the Republican Party for failing to convey an agenda that was forward looking and for an excessive amount of obstructionism.

Dole has never minced words and would not absolve current President Obama of some of the blame for the way Washington is dysfunctional, but the majority of the criticism was leveled as his own party.

He said, the national committee doors of the Republican Party should have a sign but on them that says closed until New Year’s for repairs. That he says would give them time to review positive agendas and go over new ideas.

He was asked whether past Republicans, many of whom used a more diplomatic style of governance and compromise than Republicans of today, would make it as part of the modern Republican Party. Dole simply said he doubted it.

Dole said Reagan would not have survived today, nor would Nixon have made it, since he had new ideas.

A great deal of blame for today’s gridlock, said Dole, rests with a Congress that is fractious and seems to be more interested in drama of the partisan type than accomplishing its job.

Dole said the Senate was in desperate need of a fix. He described the Senate as being really bent but still not broken. He says the Senate lacks leadership.