The Value of 800 Numbers

Many people assume that 0800 numbers are a thing of the past. This is simply not true. Businesses today still utilize these 0800 numbers for a variety of reasons. You can too. The following are reasons 800 numbers are valuable for every business.

Toll Free

One reason to utilize 800 numbers is the cost. These numbers are toll free. This allows potential customers to reach you free of charge. Long distance calling fees and high usage fees can be financially burdening for many. Fortunately, 800 numbers do not cause this burden. Anyone can use them for free.

Easy To Remember

Some businesses assume that most people have unlimited minutes on their cell phone. This allows them to call anyone, including a business. This could be true in some cases. However, this does not mean that you don’t need one. These 800 numbers are easy to remember for prospective clients. These clients are more likely to contact you if they can remember your number. Try using letters to help your clients retain this information better. Numbers are hard to memorize and easily overlooked.

Look More Official

Furthermore, an 800 number looks more official. It will give your business the professional image you are looking for. Customers associate 800 numbers with business. When you have one, they will trust you. In addition, they will be more likely to contact you for your services.

Sell Your Product

Finally, an 800 number is particularly helpful for businesses that need to sell a product or service. You can use this number to call potential customers. It is less expensive then the standard number. Plus, it helps you avoid receiving too many unnecessary callbacks.

Invest in an 800 number for your business today. You will be glad you did.