Billionaire Warns Employees about Obama re-election

A billionaire business owner in Florida told his employees he might be forced to lay them off if current President Barack Obama is elected in November to a second term. He said the current administration was a threat to his employees’ jobs.

Westgate Resorts’ owner David Siegel, who owns the world’s largest timeshare company that is privately held, said in a company email to his more than 7,000 employees that he did not want his notice to influence how they voted in November. However, he warned them that if new taxes were levied against him or the company, as Obama plans to do, then he would have no other choice than to cut the size of his company.

He continued by saying he could not continue supporting a system where the productive were penalized by giving to the unproductive. He continued in his email to his employees by saying his motivation to work and provide jobs to others would be destroyed and with that would go all the opportunities of his employees.

Siegel is an outspoken businessman who leads a flamboyant lifestyle. He and his wife have recently been the subjects of a documentary titled The Queen of Versailles. The documentary followed the couples’ efforts to build what was reported to be the largest home that is privately owned in the U.S. The home is 90,000 square feet with a cost of $100 million located near Orlando.

Siegel confirmed to a major news agency that he did send the memo via email to his employees and it appears that its content had been leaked by one of his employees who was not in favor of his policies.

Siegel said the memo was private and for only his employees to read. He wanted them to be aware of what might happen prior to them voting since he cares about their well being.